Soil health is increasingly important for farmers and liquid fertilisers play an important role.
EASY Liquids are easy to use and their accuracy is unsurpassed. Plus, they offer easy logistics with bulk deliveries direct to farm, product uniformity, consistent flow rates and accurate nutrient placement.
It’s that EASY!
Whereas applying fertiliser has traditionally been a heavy, time-consuming, labour-intensive chore, EASY Liquids fertilisers make it EASY. Our quality liquid nutrients are EASY to store, handle, control and use, and they’re supported by our friendly and professional team. So, when you have the choice, take the EASY option.
EASY to trust
Choose us, and you choose experienced local people who understand crops, growth habits and the changing requirements that impact nutrient uptake. With quality Easy Liquids fertilisers, you can trust that nutrients will be placed in the best position and at the correct time for effective uptake.
EASY to control
EASY Liquids fertilisers can be metered precisely for easier and more accurate variable rate applications. And as liquids, they allow for a precise and EASY application of nutrients.
EASY to use
There’s no bag handling, waiting for products to dissolve or manual lifting, augers, saving you effort, time, money and labour.
EASY to store and handle
EASY Liquids fertilisers are delivered directly to the farm in bulk and stored long-term in a tank with minimal degradation, so they’re ready to use when you are. They can be applied using irrigation equipment and boom sprays (with only minor modification), injected into the soil, banded dribbles, foliar sprayed, or water-run in row crops. They’re ideal for split or ‘little and often’ applications. You can apply them in any season, whether wet or dry.
EASY to deal with
When it comes to crops and fertilisers, we know our stuff. Our friendly team have the knowledge and experience you can trust. We like to keep the complex simple and know you’ll find us extremely easy to deal with.
Further information
To view the complete selection of EASY Liquids products, download our Easy Liquids Product Catalogue.